09|09|2019 | Advices for you
Today we will talk about food security. The risk of poisoning in Spain is nearly inexistent. In spite of this, we understand that you can…
02|09|2019 | Real Estate
  To have everything clear is always basic. 1. Which is the right term: 'Owners' Meeting' or 'Neighbors' Meeting'?  The proper form is…
26|08|2019 | Advices for you
The glass is pretty this is out of question. Apart from its aesthetic qualities is an excellent insulator and is therefore widely used at…
19|08|2019 | Feliu Brand
A social network is an Internet site which connects people who is logged . Currently there are many of them and we are 'always' connected  …
12|08|2019 | Advices for you
In Finques Feliu we know that damps in a house are a frequent problem which causes extrordinary expenses to who lives in it. In this sense…
05|08|2019 | Advices for you
First of all we want to point out that the electricity supply must to be hired with an electricity firm: it is illegal 'to prick' light…
29|07|2019 | Advices for you
The 'Real Academia Española' defines plague as follows: 'a massive and sudden appearance of living beings of the same species that cause…
22|07|2019 | Real Estate
  At Finques Feliu we strongly believe that honest coperation with other firms represents and extra for our client. On this occasion for:…
15|07|2019 | Feliu Brand
Excessive sound affects us all year long and everywhere. The harmless sound limit according to the World Health Organization is 65 decibels…
08|07|2019 | Advices for you
We begin with a question: How is the heat in Barcelona? It's humid. So a real temperature of 30 celsius degrees with a humidity of 60%…
01|07|2019 | Advices for you
What destination will you choose is this summer vacation which is about to begin?  In this article we give you a range of options to…
24|06|2019 | Advices for you
Summer is  beginned we want to describe how to improve your garden and protect yourself against the sun. Do you want to know a rather…