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How can you avoid a food poisoning at home?
| Advices for you
Today we will talk about food security. The risk of poisoning in Spain is nearly inexistent. In spite of this, we understand that you can…
16 FAQ's on owners' community meeting
| Real Estate
To have everything clear is always basic. 1. Which is the right term: 'Owners' Meeting' or 'Neighbors' Meeting'? The proper form is…
DIY: how to drill glass?
| Advices for you
The glass is pretty this is out of question. Apart from its aesthetic qualities is an excellent insulator and is therefore widely used at…
Find out which is our presence in Social Media
| Feliu Brand
A social network is an Internet site which connects people who is logged . Currently there are many of them and we are 'always' connected …
How can you fix a joint between the ceramic tiles at terrace floor?
| Advices for you
In Finques Feliu we know that damps in a house are a frequent problem which causes extrordinary expenses to who lives in it. In this sense…
Find out the electricity meter secrets'
| Advices for you
First of all we want to point out that the electricity supply must to be hired with an electricity firm: it is illegal 'to prick' light…
How to fight against plagues at home?
| Advices for you
The 'Real Academia Española' defines plague as follows: 'a massive and sudden appearance of living beings of the same species that cause…
Which taxes must pay a 'fiscal resident' and non 'fiscal resident' in Spain
| Real Estate
At Finques Feliu we strongly believe that honest coperation with other firms represents and extra for our client. On this occasion for:…
What can be done against excessive noise at home?
| Feliu Brand
Excessive sound affects us all year long and everywhere. The harmless sound limit according to the World Health Organization is 65 decibels…
Let's go: keep cool your home in Summer without air conditioning
| Advices for you
We begin with a question: How is the heat in Barcelona? It's humid. So a real temperature of 30 celsius degrees with a humidity of 60%…
To choose Catalonia is another option for your holidays
| Advices for you
What destination will you choose is this summer vacation which is about to begin? In this article we give you a range of options to…
How can you look after about your garden in the Summer?. Extra: how can you fight against an insulation?
| Advices for you
Summer is beginned we want to describe how to improve your garden and protect yourself against the sun. Do you want to know a rather…
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